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Malian crisis: President Keita won't resign ECOWAS Presidents insist

Malian crisis: President Keita won't resign ECOWAS Presidents insist
Malian crisis: President Keita won't resign ECOWAS Presidents insist

By Charles Joseph

July 27, 2020 - Despite threats by a resistance group that President Ibrahim  Keita must resign before peace can be restored to Mali, Heads of State and government of ECOWAS on Monday, backed the President, insisting that he will not resign.

The sug-regional leaders who held an extra ordinary session via video conferencing to discuss the Malian crisis, insisted that the President will remain to implement its recommendations for a unity government.

The Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Zubairu Dada, who spoke to State House correspondents on the resolutions of the leaders at the end of the virtual meeting, said the meeting endorsed a government of national unity.

He disclosed that the meeting also endorsed the cancellation of the 31 disputed parliamentary seats and fresh elections should be conducted.

“The resolutions of the meeting of the Heads of State and Government of ECOWAS stressed the importance of the need to respect the institutions of the republic especially the constitutional means of acceding to power in conformity to with the ECOWAS protocol, democracy and good governance.

“This is important because the opposition was making a demand for the resignation of the president and the ECOWAS position is `that is a no go area’, and that no head of state shall be removed other than through constitutional means.

“It has also resolved that the parliament, because if you remember the crisis actually started from the elections of March this year which gave rise to a lot of crises in the country because of 31 disputed seats

“Therefore, the meeting has resolved that these 31 seats that are in contention these members be asked to resign to make rooms for a fresh election into these 31 seats that are contention,’’ he said.

Dada added that the leaders asked all political parties to endeavour to obtain the immediate resignation of all the 31 Members of Parliament whose election is contested.

According to him, these resignations will pave the way for by-elections

“Pending these by-elections, the Parliament will operate with the 116 remaining members,’’ he said.

He stated that the Heads of State and Government asked all the relevant Institutions to facilitate the immediate re-composition of the Constitutional Court in accordance with the legal provisions in Mali.

“In case of difficulty for the various bodies in designating their members to the Constitutional Court, the President of the Republic will use the exceptional power provided by Article 50 of the Constitution of Mali to nominate the nine members,’’ he said.

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